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Advocacy Update from the ACR D.C. Office

February 19, 2025

As ACR President Carol A. Langford, MD, MHS, mentioned in her message to members earlier this month, the ACR is endeavoring to maintain ongoing communication with members in these rapidly changing times to ensure that you can continue to provide excellent care to your patients.

To that end, we want to highlight ways that the ACR’s advocacy team is working to respond to recent executive orders and government actions and equip you with the information you need in the coming weeks and months.

  1. The ACR’s advocacy team is actively monitoring executive actions that are shifting the health policy landscape daily. The ACR’s team in Washington, D.C., will be providing regular updates summarizing the happenings in D.C. and what they mean for you and your patients.
  2. ACR/ARP members are invited to join the ACR’s advocacy team on February 20 and February 27 at 11:00 AM ET via Zoom for office hours to learn more about our team’s efforts on behalf of you and your patients, ask questions about ACR advocacy, and find out how you can get involved from home. You will receive a confirmation email with video call information once your membership status has been verified by the ACR team.
    Register for Office Hours >
  3. Additionally, you may continue to contact your lawmakers through the ACR's Legislative Action Center. The ACR maintains campaigns that emphasize the importance of data and evidence-based policy making as well as broad access to public health information and guidance to address the health needs of the U.S. population.

As we continue to monitor these issues, please do not hesitate to reach out to with any questions or concerns.

ACR/ARP Awards

Nominations Are Open

Show your appreciation for a colleague and recognize their outstanding contributions to rheumatology by submitting a nomination for an ACR or ARP award.


To submit a nomination, login to your account and select My Nominations (on the left hand side of screen).


Nomination Deadline: April 1

Submit Award Nominationexternal link opens in a new tab.

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ACR Rheumatology Image Library

Your ACR/ARP membership includes access to 2,000+ images on a variety of rheumatic diseases and conditions. The ACR Rheumatology Image Library is yours to browse to get a better understanding of various manifestations of disease from a rheumatology perspective.

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